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Log Entry Details window

The Log Entry Details window displays information about the particular workflow item execution:

  • Run Date - the date and time the workflow item ran.

  • Item Name - the name of the workflow item (and its ID in parentheses).

  • Object ID - the ID and class of the object the workflow item was executed at.

  • Event - the event in Alloy Navigator Express that triggered the workflow item.

  • Triggered by Action - the name of the workflow item (and its ID in parentheses) that triggered the workflow item specified in the Item Name field. Otherwise, this field displays the same as Item Name.

  • Initiator Name - the Full Name of the person or Service Name of the service that the workflow item was initiated by.

  • Initiator Type - the Alloy Navigator Express module the workflow item was initiated from.

  • Host - the computer where the workflow item was initiated.

  • Status - the status of the workflow item (Succeed or Failed).

  • Operations - the operations assigned to the workflow item.

    • Operation Details - the details of the selected operation.

To go to the next or previous Automation & Workflow Log record, click the Next or Previous button.