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Adding list items

You should review all lookup lists, including user-defined lookup fields (see Types of user-defined fields), and customize them to support business processes that are specific to your organization.

TIP: The majority of lookup lists share similar properties. However, several classification entities differ from other lookup lists: Categories, Software License Policies, Stock Movement Reasons, and Personal Event Categories.

To add an item to a list:

  1. In the Customization > [Module] > [Object Class] > Classification section, double-click the lookup list you want to add items to.

  2. Click New. The New [Object Class] [Lookup List] window opens.

  3. Type in a value.

  4. Keep the Active check box selected. Otherwise, this item will be disabled.

    • For Activity categories: By default, activity records are read-only. If you want to give users the ability to modify and delete activities of this category, clear the Read-only check box.

      NOTE: To be able to modify and delete activities, the user must also have the Manage Activities security permission for a particular object class.

    • For statuses and Ticket priorities: Specify the icon that will accompany the item in the drop-down list:

      • To specify an icon image, click Change, select an image file and click Open. You can use your custom image or point to one of the standard icons supplied with Alloy Navigator Express. Standard icons are located in the \Resources\Icons\Pack2 subfolder of your Alloy Navigator Express installation folder, typically, C:\Program Files\Alloy Software\Alloy Navigator Express 2024\Resources\Icons\Pack2\.

        NOTE: Alloy Navigator Express supports any .bmp, .ico, or .png images. The uploaded image will be scaled to the appropriate size automatically. We recommend you to use 16x16 or 32x32 pixel images.

      • To show the list item without any icon, click Clear.

    • For Ticket categories: If you want to hide the category from the Self Service Portal customers, clear the Available in the Self Service Portal check box. Otherwise, leave this check box selected.

    • For Software License policies: By default, the policy requires tracking license usage statistics. If you want to disable usage tracking, select None in the Tracking drop-down list. You can re-enable tracking by selecting By Device. For details, see Managing Software License policies.

  5. Click OK.

Categories can be organized in a parent-children hierarchy. You can add a new category or subcategory.

To add a category (or subcategory):

  1. In the Customization >General >  Classification section, double-click Categories.

  2. Select a category to add a subcategory to and click New > New (or New > New Subcategory). The New [Object Class] Category window opens.

  3. Type a value.

  4. For Ticket categories: If you are creating an internal category for technicians working with Tickets, it does not need to be visible to Self Service Portal customers. In such case, clear the Available in the Self Service Portal check box.

  5. Keep the Active check box selected. Otherwise, this item will be disabled.

  6. For Activity subcategories: By default, activity records are read-only. If you want to give users the ability to modify and delete activities of this subcategory, clear the Read-only check box.

    NOTE: To be able to modify and delete activities, the user must also have the Manage Activities security permission for a particular object class.

  7. Click OK.

    NOTE: You can view all subcategories in the tree by choosing Expand All from the pop-up menu. To collapse the expanded categories, choose Collapse All.