Customizing Actions
Actions enable users to perform various tasks: workflow tasks such as changing an object’s status to further the object's lifecycle or general tasks such as adding notes. Users access Actions in the Actions menu above grids or through the in the leftmost column of the grid.
Alloy Navigator Express 2024 is shipped with a predefined set of system Actions for handling objects of various classes. System Actions are ready to use with the default settings. You cannot modify the effect that Actions take, but you can customize the following Action properties:
Caption - the text that represents the Action in the Actions menu and the Action Bar
Hint - the hint that appears when the user hovers the mouse over the Action on the Action Bar
Statuses - the certain phases of business process, indicated by object’s statuses, when the Action is available
Roles - the security roles whose members have the Action allowed
You can view and customize system Actions for a particular object class in the Customization > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > Actions section as follows:
Action window
You use the Action window to customize a system Action.
Name - the Action name (read-only).
Caption - the Action caption displayed to the user.
Hint - the floating hint displayed to the user.
Enabled - enables the Action.
Statuses - the object statuses for which the Action is available. By default, unavailable Actions appear dimmed in the Action Bar and the Actions menu. However, you can configure Alloy Navigator Express to hide unavailable Actions.
NOTE: You manage whether to display unavailable Actions at Customizations > General > System Performance. For details, see Workflow Action Bar.
Roles - the security roles whose members are allowed to perform this Action.
NOTE: You manage security roles at Accounts and Roles > Roles. For details, see Managing security roles.