Configuring Routing policies
Routing policies assign Tickets or Change Requests to certain technician when the Ticket or Change Request satisfies a specified condition. Alloy Navigator Express checks this condition whenever Tickets or Change Requests are created or modified. For example, you can use a Routing policy for auto-assignment of all Tickets or Change Requests of the "Internet" category to the network administrator.
You configure Routing in the Customization > Service Desk > Objects > Workflow > Business Policies section as follows:
Object Routing window
You use the Ticket Routing window to create a new Routing or to modify its properties.
Name - the policy name.
Description - the description of the policy.
Enabled - enables the policy.
When ticket - this section specifies the conditions for assigning Tickets or Change Requests to a specific technician. The policy is applied when all conditions are true.
NOTE: If no conditions are specified (all operators are "any"), Alloy Navigator Express re-assigns the Ticket or Change Request whenever it is modified.
Then - this section specifies the new assignee.