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Configuring Data Mapping for AlloyScan Synchronization

Introduced in 2023.2

If you use AlloyScan as a source of inventory data for your Alloy Navigator Express, read this page to understand how AlloyScan data is mapped with Alloy Navigator Express data, and how you can modify this mapping if needed.

How AlloyScan sync works

AlloyScan Synchronization performs the following operations:

  • Create Computer records for new computers

    • Creating Person records for computer users
  • Create Inventory Item records for new network devices discovered in AlloyScan

  • Update existing Computer and Inventory Item records with the inventory data from AlloyScan

    INFO: For details about matching, see Conflict Resolution.

  • Synchronize the Software Catalog with the Software Catalog from AlloyScan

NOTE: All these operations are run by the Automation Server; make sure the Automation Server must be configured and running.

All snapshot attributes correspond to Computer's and Inventory Item's fields in accordance with mapping rules. The AlloyScan Sync also uses templates to initialize some properties of newly created records, particularly those that are not mapped with AlloyScan attributes. For example, the Computer's Status is set to Auto-Added, and the Inventory Item's Type—to Computer Peripheral.

The default templates and mapping rules are usually sufficient. However, you can modify the defaults, if needed.

Customizing templates for computers and inventory items

Templates assign initial values to some fields of created Computer and Inventory Item records.

  1. Go to Customization > IT Assets > [Computers / Inventory Items] > Workflow > [Computer / Inventory Item] Data Mapping > AlloyScan, and navigate to the [Computer / Inventory Item] Template section.

    For example, to access a computer template, go to Customization > IT Assets > Computers > Workflow >Computer Data Mapping > AlloyScan and navigate to the Computer Template section.

  2. Each row specifies the initial value for a particular field.

    You can customize the template if needed:

    • To add a new field:

      1. Click New. A new row appears.

      2. In the new row, click the down arrow in the Field Name column and select a field from the list.

      3. In the Value column, assign a value to the selected field. For details, see Defining field values in templates.

    • To delete a field:

      • Select a row and click Delete.

    • To modify a field:

      • Select a row to modify and make your changes. For details, see Defining field values in templates.

  1. When done, click Save on the toolbar.

Configuring AlloyScan mapping

Alloy Navigator Express creates and updates Computers and Inventory Item records in accordance with mapping rules. The default mapping is usually sufficient, but you can modify or delete the default rules, create new rules, and restore the default mapping, if needed.

Under Customization > IT Assets > [Computers / Inventory Items] > Workflow > [Computer / Inventory Item] Data Mapping > AlloyScan in the Field Mapping for New / Existing [Computer / Inventory Item] section, you can control how the AlloyScan Synchronization imports Computers and Inventory Item records from AlloyScan into Alloy Navigator Express.

All imported audit snapshot attributes correspond to Computer's and Inventory Item's fields in accordance with the mapping rules. These mapping rules are grouped in two sections:

  • Field Mapping for New [Computers / Inventory Items]: Contains mapping rules for creating new records for new computers and discovered devices.

  • Field Mapping for Existing [Computers / Inventory Items: Contains mapping rules for updating existing records.

The default mapping is usually sufficient, but you can modify or delete the default mapping rules, create new rules, and restore the default mapping.

  • ClosedTo modify a mapping rule:

    1. Under Field Mapping for New / Existing [Computers / Inventory Items], double-click the rule to modify. The Field Mapping window opens.

    2. Change the rule as needed and click OK.

    3. Click Save on the toolbar.

  • ClosedTo create a mapping rule:

    1. Under Field Mapping for New [Computers / Inventory Items] or Field Mapping for Existing [Computers / Inventory Items], click New. The Field Mapping window opens.

    2. Choose the destination Computer's or Inventory Item's field, specify the replacement mode (for updating existing records), and choose the source audit snapshot attribute. For details, see Field Mapping window.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Click Save on the toolbar.

  • ClosedTo delete a mapping rule:

    1. Under Field Mapping for New [Computers / Inventory Items] or Field Mapping for Existing [Computers / Inventory Items], select a rule to delete and click Delete.

    2. Click Save on the toolbar.

  • ClosedTo restore the default mapping:

    1. Under Field Mapping for New [Computers / Inventory Items] or Field Mapping for Existing [Computers / Inventory Items], click Default.

    2. Click Save on the toolbar.