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Field Mapping window

Use the Field Mapping window to define a rule for inventory data mapping or Active Directory data mapping.

Field - specifies the destination Alloy Navigator Express field:

Name - the objectClosed field name. If you have customized system field labels for these objects, the Name list displays custom labels.

For updating existing objects:

Replacement Mode - the condition when the object field value should be updated with source service attribute:

Always - the service attribute always replaces the object field regardless of its value.

When Target is empty - the service attribute populates the object field only when the object field is blank.

When Source has value - the service attribute populates the object field only when the service attribute is not blank. This mode prevents the appearance of null values in the database.

Service Attribute - specifies the source service attribute, from which to import the data:

Name - the service attribute's name:

For Inventory Data Mapping:

Choose an audit snapshot attribute in Network Inventory. The list matches the data type of the selected object field.

For Active Directory Data Mapping:

Choose an Active Directory attribute such as givenName, telephoneNumber, or thumbnailPicture. The list matches the data type of the selected object field.

NOTE: If you want to import person pictures from the thumnailPhoto attribute, note that the Active Directory Synchronization supports only JPEG, PNG, and BMP image formats.

NOTE: For details on Active Directory attributes, see the "Attributes" section in the "Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Schema" article in the MSDN Library at

In addition to Active Directory attributes, the list also contains some pseudo attributes. ClosedClick here to view the details.

Manager (Link to Person) - this pseudo attribute allows you to import the link to the user's manager from the Active Directory.

memberOf (raw) - this pseudo attribute contains the original, unmodified content of the memberOf Active Directory attribute (unlike the memberOf service attribute, which contains a comma separated list of group names).