Installation Guide

Redirect Mail Connector to the support mailbox

Updated in 2021.2

During the pilot testing, you were supposed to configured the Mail Connector to use a test mailbox (see Redirect the Mail Connector to a test mailbox). Now you should redirect it back to the real support mailbox that the Mail Connector uses in your production environment.

IMPORTANT: Started with version 2021, Alloy Navigator Express dropped support for 32-bit versions of Microsoft Outlook in favor of 64-bit versions.

To redirect a Mail Connector job to the real mailbox:

  1. In the Alloy NavigatorExpress2024 Settings, go to E-Mail Processing > Mail Connector and double-click the job.

  2. Modify the Mail Server settings so that the Mail Connector now process messages from the support mailbox.

  3. Click OK.

    INFO: For details, see Administration Guide: Configuring Mail Connector Settings.

NEXT STEP: Delete test notifications and resume the Notification Queue.