Administration Guide

Customizing preview fly-out forms

Introduced in 2022.2

Preview fly-out forms allow Web App users to preview associated records without opening them and getting away from the current object record. This article describes how to customize the content of preview forms for the Web App.

To preview an associated record, click the Show Preview icon in the corresponding field, and the preview form flies out. That's why preview forms are also called "preview flyouts."

To customize a preview fly-out form:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to the Web App View Forms section for the target object class (Customization > General > Web App View Forms > [Object Class] or Customization > [Module] > [Object Class] > Web App View Form).

  2. Customize the default preview form as needed: add new fields, remove unneeded information, change the display order, or make other changes.

    TIP: You may want to export your current preview form definition for backup purposes before making any changes. For details, see Exporting configuration settings.

  3. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.