Administration Guide

Configuring Reporting Settings for SSP searches

To use the default configuration, you need to enable the job schedule (see Customizing the Reporting Job Schedule).

To configure a reporting job for SSP searches, follow the steps below:

  1. From the Sidebar, go to the Services > Scheduled Reports > Reports section and double-click Daily SSP Searches Report. The Scheduled Report dialog box opens.
  2. To enable the job, select the Enabled check box.
  3. Under Report, keep SSP Search List.
  4. Choose the report output format in the Format drop-down list: PDF, HTML, Excel, etc.
  5. By default, the report is sent when the SSP search query fails to return any records. You can change this condition by re-assigning values of the report parameters:
    • To automatically generate the list of report parameters:
      1. Under Parameters, click Build to bring up the Report Parameters dialog box.
      2. Choose a value for each report parameter (see Help: Report Parameters dialog box).
      3. Click OK.
    • Now you can modify some values, if needed. For example, you can replace static values with macros for date range parameters.

    • To manually specify report parameters, type as follows:


      To specify several parameters, separate them with a space or type each parameter on a new line. If the parameter name or value contains spaces, enclose it in double quotes.

      NOTE: Before you manually assign report parameters, you must find out what parameters the report has. For details, see Report Parameters.

  6. Under Destination, specify where you want the report to be sent.
    • If you want to save the report to a file:
      1. Click Save report to file.
      2. Specify the path and name for the destination file on your local computer or in a network share. Each time the job generates a new report, this file will be overwritten.

      NOTE: Make sure that the specified folder is accessible by the Automation Server startup account. For details, see Automation Server.

    • If you want to broadcast the report via e-mail:
      1. Click Send report via e-mail.
      2. In the To field, specify the recipient's e-mail address. You can specify several e-mail addresses, comma separated.
      3. In the Subject field, type the message subject line text.
      4. In the Message field, type the text that will appear in the body of the e-mail message.

      NOTE: Sending reports via e-mail requires that outgoing e-mail notification settings must be properly configured beforehand. For details, see Configuring and Controlling Outgoing Notifications.

  7. By default, this job generates reports on the first day of every month. If you want to change the schedule, click Change and specify a new job schedule. You can set occurrence (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly), daily frequency, and duration (start and end date).
  8. Click OK to save your settings.