Administration Guide

Modifying Templates for Self Service Portal Notifications

Alloy Navigator Express provides several pre-defined templates for e-mail notifications for people involved in Self Service Portal operations:

  • Password Notification — this message is used when customers report that they forgot a password. A new password is generated and included in the notification text. We recommend that customers change their auto-generated passwords from the Self Service Portal profile page.
  • Manager Notification — this message is used to notify the manager of newly created self-registered accounts.
  • Authorization Request — this message is used to notify the manager of accounts that are pending for moderation.
  • Registration Confirmation — this message is used to notify the Self Service Portal customers when their self-registered accounts are approved and created.

To personalize notification templates:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to Customization > General > Self Service Portal > E-mail Templates.
  2. Double-click a template. The Edit Template dialog box opens.
  3. Customize the subject and message text. You can combine static text and dynamic content (object fields and macros). To insert a placeholder, click the location where you want to insert a placeholder, click Insert Placeholder, and select the content using the Select Placeholder dialog box.

    The following SSP Customer Account fields are available in the Object Fields category of the Select Placeholder dialog box:

    Field NameInserted ValuePlaceholder

    Last IP

    The IP address of the client computer. Depending on the configuration of the customer's network, the placeholder may produce the IP address of the customer's computer running the web browser or the IP address of the proxy server (including transparent proxy) between the customer's computer and the Internet.

    %[DBF Last_IP]%


    The user name (login) of the current SSP Customer Account.

    %[DBF Login]%


    The password of the current SSP Customer Account (only for Standard authentication).

    %[DBF Password]%


    A field from the Person record associated with the current SSP Customer account.

    When the Authorization Request notification is sent, the Person record does not yet exist. So, the Authorization Request supports using placeholders only for those Person fields that the user fills out during self-registration: Full Name, Primary E-mail, and Business Phone. For details, see Configuring Self-Registration.

    %[DBF Person_ID.Field]%

    for example:
    %[DBF Person_ID.Primary_Email]%

    Pswd LastChange

    The date and time of the last password change for the current SSP Customer account (only for Standard authentication).

    You should not use this placeholder in the “Authorization Request” notification template.

    %[DBF Pswd_LastChange]%

    In addition, system and user-defined macros can also be used in the template.

    INFO: For details, see Inserting Placeholders.

    IMPORTANT: Make sure to specify the http://yourservername/
    placeholder address used in the Registration Confirmation and Password Notification templates with the actual link to Self Service Portal.

  4. If you want to use HTML for notifications, click HTML text and create the message using the standard HTML editor (text formatting, bold or colored font, bullet lists, images, etc.), or click Design > HTML Code and edit the HTML source code.

    NOTE: The appearance of messages in HTML format is controlled by standard cascading style sheet (CSS) rules. For details, see Customizing the style of E-mail Notifications.

    IMPORTANT: If you change the message format to plain text, HTML formatting will be discarded.

  5. Click OK.