Administration Guide

Customizing New Ticket Forms

The Self Service Portal (SSP) uses New Ticket Forms to prompt customers for relevant information when they choose to create a Ticket, and initializes some fields of this new Ticket (including those that are not visible in the SSP).

From the Sidebar, navigate to Customization > General > Self Service Portal > Forms. Under Tickets, click New Ticket Forms and review the default New Ticket Form definition. You can customize this default form. If you want to enable your SSP customers to create different types of Tickets, you can create additional New Ticket Forms, and the Self Service Portal will show commands for creating various types of Tickets in the Submit a Ticket menu.

  • ClosedTo create a New Ticket Form

      Specify the following properties:

    • Name - the Form name.

    • Caption - the Form caption displayed to the user at the top of this Create Ticket Form and in the Submit a Ticket menu.

    • Description - the Form description .

    • Enabled - enables the Form.

    • In the Template section, specify a Template for assigning initial values to object fields. The template's values will be applied for every new Ticket created using this Form.

      • New - adds a new row where you can select the name of the field and enter its initial value.

      • Edit - allows you to modify the selected template field.

      • Delete - deletes the selected row.

    • In the Fields section, view the definition of the Form that SSP customers see when creating Tickets.

    • Click OK.

  • ClosedTo edit the New Ticket Form

    1. Double-click the Form. The New Ticket Form window opens.

    2. Make your changes as needed.

    3. Click OK to close the window.

  • ClosedTo change the display order of Forms

    1. Click Order. The Order window opens.

    2. Drag each Form to the desired position. SSP customers will see the Form captions in the Submit a Ticket menu in the order that the Forms appear in the list.

    3. Click OK when done.

  • ClosedTo delete a Form

    • Select the Form and click Delete.