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New Permissions

The new version introduces new functionality and new object classes related to the new functionality. In order to enable your technicians to access the new functionality and objects, review your existing security roles and grant new permissions to those who need them.

You can skip this step now and assign permissions later, but keep in mind that without these permissions your technicians will be unable to access new features that were introduced in the new version. For instructions on working with security roles, see Managing security roles.

IMPORTANT: We recommend that all modifications of objects in Alloy Navigator are always implemented through workflow Actions. The Modify access permission should be granted to administrators who have a good understanding of how direct modifications may affect the system.

Your list of new permissions depends on the version you are upgrading from. See Release Notes to explore what's new.

ClosedFor example, click here to view details on new permissions for version 7.

  • Advanced Administrative Functions - this group contains all permissions that control access to advanced administrative functions, such as Batch Update and Recurrent Ticket Management. Alloy Navigator introduces a new permission in this group:

    • Local Dashboard Customization - allows role members to locally customize dashboards in the Desktop App. You may assign this new permission to administrators who creates and shares views and dashboards.

  • Approval Stage - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Approval Stages. Unlike version 6, where only Change Requests could have Approvals, Alloy Navigator now supports approval functionality for all object classes, and Approval Stages are stages of new approval process. This process starts when the object has at least one Approval Stage.

    Assign these new permissions to technicians who are in charge of Approval Management.

    NOTE: In order to enable technicians to view or modify Approval Stages, you must also grant the View or Modify permission on the approved objects, correspondingly.

  • Approval Request - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Approval Requests. Approval Requests are requests sent to particular persons ("approvers") to approve or reject them. There can be one or several Approval Requests within each Approval Stage.

    Assign these new permissions to technicians who are in charge of Approval Management.

    NOTE: In order to enable technicians to view or modify Approval Requests, you must also grant the View or Modify permission on the approved objects correspondingly.

  • Consumable - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Consumables. In contrast to durable assets such as Computers, Software Licenses, and Hardware, Consumables are used continually until run out or discarded, such as paper, post-it notes, or toner cartridges.

    You may assign these new permissions to technicians who are in charge of the Asset Management and will now be also responsible for Stock Management.

  • Product - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Products. Products are used to describe what products your company may order from vendors, where a product is an asset, consumable, or service. Products are offered through the Product Catalog.

    You may want to assign these new permissions to technicians who are already in charge of the Asset Management and will now be also responsible for Stock Management.

  • Stock Room - the special Management permission, which implicitly includes View, Add, Modify, and Delete permissions for viewing and managing Stock Rooms. The new Stock Management functionality uses Stock Rooms as places where consumables and assets are assigned. When stock is low (i.e. the quantity of assets reaches a specified threshold), the business management logic notifies the manager to move assets from another Stock Room or order new assets from a Vendor

    You may want to assign these new permissions to technicians who are already in charge of the Asset Management and Purchasing and will now be also responsible for Stock Management.

  • Stock Rule - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Stock Rules, which are rules for automatic movement of assets and consumables

    You may want to assign these new permissions to technicians who are already in charge of the Asset Management and Purchasing and will now be also responsible for Stock Management.

  • Vendor - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Vendors, which are vendors of Products available in the Product Catalog.

    You may want to assign these new permissions to technicians who are already in charge of the Asset Management and will now be also responsible for Stock Management.

  • Reservation - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Reservations. Now when your customers need to rent a piece of equipment from your Library or to reserve a conference room for an event, they can make Reservations for a Library Item. Reservations enables managers to visualize and manage the Library reservation queue.

    Assign these new permissions to those who are responsible for Library.

  • Service Catalog Item - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Service Catalog Items. The new Service Catalog provides a consistent process for your customers to get access to standard services that they need to do their everyday jobs, such as requesting new or updated software or requesting access permissions. Those standard services are offered through the Service Catalog as "Service Catalog Items."

    Assign these new permissions to technicians and managers who will be in charge of Service Catalog and Service Request Management.

  • Service Request - standard Delete, Modify, and View permissions that control access to Service Requests, which are Service Desk tickets of a new class. The main benefit of implementing Service Request Management is the clear separation of Service Requests from Incidents. Incidents are now the exclusive focus of Incident Management, while Service Requests are prioritized and handled in the scope of Service Request Management.

    Assign these permissions to technicians and managers who will be in charge of Service Catalog and Service Request Management.

  • Person - a group of special permissions that control the ability to manage personal calendars for technicians in the Desktop App:

    • Modify Own Work Time - allows group members to manage their own personal events. You may want to assign this new permission to all technicians.

    • Modify Work Time for All - allows group members to manage personal events for all technicians. You may want to assign this new permission to technicians and managers who are in charge of Project Management.

To assign new security permissions to a security role:

  1. Select a role under Existing Roles.

  2. Under New Permissions, review permissions introduced in the new version. Click the plus icon (+) to expand nodes.

  3. Using available check boxes, select the new permissions this role should grant. To select or deselect all permissions in the list, click Select All or Deselect All, respectively.

    Repeat these steps to distribute the new permissions as needed and click Next.