General tab
The General tab displays the general information about the Tracked Software grouped in the following sections:
Upper unnamed section - displays the
Categorization section - shows the type and category of the Tracked Software. The lists of types and categories are configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator.
Ownership section - allows you to associate the Tracked Software with the Person who is responsible for the software and also with related Organization and Location. When the Organization, Owner, or Location field is filled out, you can open the person, organization, or location record correspondingly by clicking the field label that becomes a hyperlink.
Licenses section - lists the Software Licenses associated with the Tracked Software. You can manage this list using this section's toolbar:
Open - opens the selected license in the separate Software License window.
New - opens the menu of workflow actions for creating new software license records.
Add- opens the Select License window displaying Software Licenses that are not associated with any Tracked Software. You can associate one of them with the current Tracked Software record or create a new license on the fly.
Remove - deletes the Software License selected in the list from the database.
Actions - opens the menu of the workflow actions configured for Software Licenses.
Products section - lists the Software Products associated with the Tracked Software. You can manage this list using this section's toolbar:
Open - opens the selected Software Product in the separate Software Product window.
Add - opens the Select Product window where you can choose a Software Product and associate it with the Tracked Software.
Remove - disassociates the Software Product selected in the list with the Tracked Software.
Summary section - displays the information about the Tracked Software usage.
NOTE: The usage summary is not calculated for a Tracked Software record, if it includes at least one Software License with non-tracked license policy. For details on different license policies, see description of the Policy field on the General tab of Software License record.
Total License Qty - displays total of maximum number of License Qty values for all Software Licenses that are listed in the Licenses section. For details on fields of Software License, see the description of the General tab of the Software License window.
for all Software Licenses associated with the Tracked Software. This value is counted as the sum ofDiscovered - displays the total number of discovered installations of all Software Products listed in the Products section. You can view the list computers and
NOTE: For the licenses covered by the "tracking by user" policy this parameter is not displayed.
Reconciled - displays the total number of reconciled allocations of the Software Licenses listed in the Licenses section, counted as a sum of their Reconciled values. For details on fields of Software License, see the description of the General tab of the Software License window.
NOTE: For the licenses covered by the "tracking by user" policy this parameter is not displayed.
Unreconciled Installations - displays the total number of unreconciled installations of the Software Products listed in the Products section, i.e. the total number of discovered software installations of these products that have not been reconciled to their licenses. This value is counted as the difference between the Discovered value and the Reconciled value.
NOTE: For the licenses covered by the "tracking by user" policy this parameter is not displayed.
Upgraded - displays the total number of allocations of the upgrades for the Software Licenses listed in the Licenses section, counted as a sum of their Upgraded values. For details on fields of Software License, see the description of the General tab of the Software License window.
Used - displays the total number of used license entitlements for the Software Licenses listed in the Licenses section, counted as a sum of their Used values. For details on fields of Software License, see the description of the General tab of the Software License window.
Available - displays the total number of available license entitlements according to all Software Licenses associated with the Tracked Software, i.e. the number of available installations or upgrades that can still be made to them. This value is counted as the sum of the Available field values of all Software Licenses listed in the Licenses section. For details on fields of Software License, see the description of the General tab of the Software License window.
Required - displays the total number of required license entitlements to cover both all unreconciled installations of Software Products associated with the Tracked Software and license shortfall of Software Licenses associated with the Tracked Software. This value is counted as the sum of Unreconciled Installations value and the total number of Required values for all Software Licenses listed in the Licenses section of the Tracked Software. For details on fields of Software License, see the description of the General tab of the Software License window.
- indicates whether the Tracked Software record is compliant and, when it is not compliant, explains the reasons for non-compliance. Tracked Software is considered compliant when all Software Licenses associated with it are compliant and there are no unreconciled software installations detected.
The General tab may also display various user-defined fields in an additional section if your Alloy Navigator administrator has configured them accordingly. The default name of this section is "Custom Data", although your Alloy Navigator administrator may have renamed this section.
NOTE: User-defined fields can appear also on the Custom Data tab (this is the default name of the tab; it can be renamed by your Alloy Navigator administrator).