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General tab

The General tab displays the general information about the Software License organized in the following sections:

Upper left unnamed section - specifies the following general properties of the license:

Name - the license name.

Tracked Software - the Tracked Software associated with the Software License record. Clicking the field label opens the details of the Tracked Software in a separate window.

Description - the text description of the license.

Categorization section - shows the type of the Software License, and its category. The lists of types and categories are configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator.

Identification section - contains license properties used for identification:

Install Key - the installation key of the license. The value of this field is used for the auto-allocation of the license (when the installation key of the product can be automatically detected during the audit).

Serial Num - the serial number of the license. The value of this field is used for the auto-allocation of the license (when the serial number of the product can be automatically detected during the audit).

NOTE: A software product usually utilizes Install Key or Serial Number to identify the software product copy and the license associated with it. Nowadays, most of the software products use Serial Numbers for license identification. Install Keys are used rather rarely, typically by older versions of software products.

Upgrade for - denotes the upgrade license, which allows customers who originally purchased an older version of software to use a newer version of the product.

To mark the license as an upgrade license, click the ellipses button and select the ”initial license”, i.e. the license for your older software. Clicking the field label opens the details of the initial license.

NOTE: Upgrade licenses affect compliance of the initial license, since each allocation of an upgrade license decreases the amount of allowed installations of the initial license. Particularly, the license becomes non-compliant when the sum of license allocations and allocations of upgrade licenses exceeds the allowed installations for the license.

Ownership Information section - contains the ownership details information:

Organization - the name of the organization where users are allowed to install the software. If there are installations outside the specified organization, the license may become non-compliant. For details, see License Compliance Rules section below. Clicking the field label opens the details of the associated Organization in a separate window.

The value of this field is used for the auto-allocation of the license when the user's department from the snapshot matches the specified organization name.

Owner - the Person that is responsible for the license. Clicking the field label opens the details of the associated Person record in a separate window.

Location - the name of the location where users are allowed to install the software. If there are installations outside the specified location, the license may become non-compliant. For details, see License Compliance Rules section below. Clicking the field label opens the details of the associated Location in a separate window.

The value of this field is used for the auto-allocation of the license when the office location from the snapshot matches the specified location name.

Default Allocation section - allows you to mark this license as a Master License:

Master License - denotes the license which will be used for automatic allocation to discovered installations of the respective Software Product when no current allocation exists and automatic allocation methods produce no positive match. For details, see Allocating Software Licenses: Auto-Allocation.

License Compliance Rules section - stipulates the rules that must be met for the license compliance.

Policy - the license policy that defines how Alloy Navigator checks the license compliance.

The list of license policies is configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator. However, the following system policies are always available:

Per Installation - This policy states that the respective software requires one license entitlement per every installation. The license remains compliant as long as the number of software installations does not exceed the number of allowed installations (the License Qty value). If you specify any rules under License Compliance Rules, they will be checked as well. This policy is applied by default to all newly created licenses.

Named Computer - This policy states that the respective software can be installed only on certain computers. You specify those computers under Restrictions by clicking Add > Restriction by Device Name. The license remains compliant as long as the software product is installed on the specified computers and the number of software installations does not exceed the number of allowed installations. If you specify any other rules under License Compliance Rules, they will be checked as well.

NOTE: If your license uses the "Named Computer" policy, you must add at least one "Restriction by Device Name" rule. Otherwise, the license will be non-compliant.

Site License - This policy states that the respective software can only be installed within a particular location and/or organization (the Location and/or Organization value). Under Restrictions, you must specify whether to include child organizations/locations in the license site by clicking Add > Restriction by Location / Organization. The license remains compliant as long as the software product is installed for users from the specified location or organization and the number of software installations does not exceed the number of allowed installations. If you specify any other rules under License Compliance Rules, they will be checked as well.

NOTE: In order to check whether a software product is installed within the Organization / Location specified for the Software License, Alloy Navigator attempts to match these license values to the Organization / Location values of the Computer where the product is discovered. The specified restriction rules may affect the matching (see description of the ”Restriction by Location” and ”Restriction by Organization” rules below).

NOTE: If your license uses the "Site License" policy, you must add a "Restriction by Organization" or/and "Restriction by Location" rule. Otherwise, the license will be non-compliant.

No License Required - This policy states that no license is required for installations of the respective software. A license with "No License Required" policy is always compliant regardless of any compliance rules specified. You may want to use this policy to temporary disable the verification of the licensing compliance for a particular license.

Per User - This policy states that the respective software is licensed on a per user, not a per installation basis. This type of policy is frequently used for single user licenses, which typically can be installed on multiple computers. This license remains compliant no matter how many product installations are discovered, as long as all rules specified under License Compliance Rules are satisfied.

Tracking label - displays the tracking attribute of the license policy.

Expiration Date - allows you to limit the time duration of the license.

License Qty - the maximum number of license entitlementsClosed for the organization’s environment based on the license purchase agreement. Typically, the license becomes non-compliant when the sum of license allocations and allocations of license upgrades exceeds the license quantity (see the description of the Policy field above).

Restrictions section - this section allows you to manage additional restriction rules for checking the license compliance status:

Restriction by Location - binds the license to a specific location. The location must be specified in the Location field. If the Location record has child records, you can click Restrict Software License by its Location and its sub-locations to include child Locations into the license site.

Restriction by Organization - binds the license to a particular organization. The organizational unit must be specified in the Organization field. If the Organization record has child records, you can click Restrict Software License by its Organization and its sub-organizations to include child Organizations into the license site.

Restriction by Device Name - binds the license to a specific device (Computer or Hardware). The device must be specified in the Device Name field.

Restriction by Device Owner - allows the license to be used only on devices (Computer or Hardware) of the specified owner.

Restriction by User - ties the license with the specified user.

NOTE: "Restriction by User" can be applied only in combination with the "tracking by user" policy.

Allowed Installations per User - specifies the maximum number of installations allowed per user.

Allowed CPUs per License - specifies the maximum number of CPUs allowed per license. The number of discovered CPUs on the computer should not exceed the number of CPUs allowed by all the allocated licenses.

Allowed CPU Cores per License - specifies the maximum number of cores allowed per license. The number of discovered cores on the computer should not exceed the number of cores allowed by all the allocated licenses. For example, your Computer has 2 processors, 4 physical cores each (8 cores in total). If you buy one license allowing 4 cores, the software remains not compliant. To cover remaining cores, one more 4-core license is required.

Summary section - displays the information about the license quantity and its usage.

License Qty - displays the maximum number of license entitlements, as specified in the License Qty field of the License Compliance Rules section.

Reconciled - displays the number of reconciled allocations, i.e. the number of installations of license's software products to which the license was allocated. Both reconciled and unreconciled allocations are listed on the Allocation tab.

NOTE: For the licenses covered by the "tracking by user" policy this parameter is not displayed.

Unreconciled Allocations - displays the number of unreconciled allocations, i.e. the number of computers or devices without installation of license's software products to which the license was allocated. Both reconciled and unreconciled allocations are listed on the Allocation tab.

NOTE: For the licenses covered by the "tracking by user" policy this parameter is not displayed.

Upgraded - displays the number of allocations of software licenses, which are marked as upgrades for the current license. You can view the list of license upgrades on the Upgrades tab.

Used - displays the number of used license entitlements, counted as the total number of allocations of the license summarized with the number of allocations of its upgrades.

Available - displays the number of available license entitlements, i.e. the number of available installations or upgrades of the license. This value is counted as the difference between the license quantity and number of used license entitlements (the Used field). If the number of used license entitlements exceeds the license quantity, this field is considered equal to "0" and the Required field is displayed instead of this field.

Required - displays the number of required license entitlements to cover license shortfall. This value is displayed only if the number of used license entitlements (the Used field) exceeds the license quantity, and displays the absolute value of their difference. If the number of used license entitlements does not exceed the license quantity, this field is considered equal to "0" and not displayed.

NOTE: For the retired Software Licenses, the Reconciled, Unreconciled Allocations, Upgraded, Used, and Available fields show "0" even if these licenses were allocated to Computers or Hardware devices before marking the Software Licenses as "retired". Once the license is returned to operation, typically, by performing the "Unretire License" action, all these fields display the information about the license allocations again. For details, see Marking Tracked Software and Software Licenses as retired.

NOTE: When the license has a no tracking policy, Alloy Navigator does not calculate the usage statistics. License policies are configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator.

or - indicates whether the license is compliant and, when it is not compliant, explains the reasons for non-compliance.

The General tab can also display various user-defined fields in an additional section if your Alloy Navigator administrator has configured them accordingly. The default name of this section is "Custom Data", although your Alloy Navigator administrator may have renamed this section.

NOTE: User-defined fields can appear also on the Custom Data tab (this is the default name of the tab; it can be renamed by your Alloy Navigator administrator).