General tab
On the General tab, you can view or edit the following properties of the Service in the following fields and sections:
ID - the automatically generated identification number of the Service.
Status - the Service status. The list of statuses is configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator.
Name - the Service name.
Description - the text description of the Service.
Categorization section - The type and category of the Service. The lists of types and categories are configured by your Alloy Navigator administrator.
Service Manager - the Person responsible for the Service. When the field is filled out, clicking the Service Manager link opens the selected Person record in a separate window.
Service Provider - the Organization providing the Service. When the field is filled out, clicking the Service Provider link opens the selected Organization record in a separate window.
Availability Hours - the work calendar that defines the hours when the Service is available for its Receivers. Work calendars describe working and nonworking days, regular working hours, and any exceptions, such as holidays and non-standard working hours. The work calendars are defined by your Alloy Navigator administrator.
Support section - shows the following fields:
Support Group - the Group responsible for providing this Service. When the field is filled out, clicking the Support Group link opens the selected Group record in the separate window.
Ticket Class - the class of Service Desk tickets that can be submitted when providing this Service: Change Requests, Incidents, Problems, Service Requests, or Work Orders. When a user creates a Service Desk ticket of the selected class, this Service will be available for choosing in the ticket's submission form. If you leave the field blank, the Service will only be used to control the availability of objects (Knowledge Base Articles, Equipment Lending Library components, and Announcements) to the service Receivers.
Levels section - shows the grid of Service Levels defined for this Service. The section has a Module Menu that includes the following buttons:
New - opens the Service Level window where you fill in the details of a new Service Level.
Delete - removes the selected Service Level.
This tab may also display various user-defined fields in an additional section if your Alloy Navigator administrator has configured them accordingly. The default name of this section is "Custom Data", although your Alloy Navigator administrator may have renamed this section.
NOTE: User-defined fields can appear also on the Custom Data tab (this is the default name of the tab; it can be renamed by your Alloy Navigator administrator).