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Managing summary report categories

Summary reports are broken down by report categories. Each summary report can be assigned to an unlimited number of categories. Report categories are organized as a hierarchical tree. When building the tree of categories, you can add new categories and add new subcategories within existing categories as well as move, modify, and delete them.

The categories tree always includes system "All Reports" and "Uncategorized" nodes. "All Reports" includes all existing reports, "Uncategorized" includes reports that are not assigned to any category. The "All Reports" and "Uncategorized" categories cannot be changed in any way.

NOTE: If you customized any pre-packaged summary reports in your previous version, all customizations are preserved during the upgrade. However, the latest version may include some updates to pre-packed reports, including those that you customized. If any updated copies of your customized reports exist, Alloy Navigator automatically installs them during the upgrade and adds (Updated in 2024.x.x) to their names. All updated copies are included in the Updated in Alloy Navigator2024.x.x report category of the Web App. After the upgrade, you should review each pair of your customized report [ReportName] and its updated copy [ReportName] (Updated in 2024.x.x).

You can perform the following operations with report categories:

  • ClosedTo add a new category:

    1. In the Categories pane, click the plus button on the Module menu, and then click New Category.

    2. In the New Category window, enter a name and (optionally) description of the category.

    3. Click OK.

  • ClosedTo add a new subcategory:

    1. In the Categories pane, click the parent category, to which you want to add a subcategory, click the plus button on the Module menu, and then click New Subcategory.

    2. In the New Subcategory window, enter a name and (optionally) description of the subcategory.

    3. Click OK.

    NOTE: If a category has subcategories, it is marked with the expand button on the left. Clicking the expand button unfold the subcategories.

  • ClosedTo modify a category:

    1. In the Categories pane, click the category, click the ellipsis button on the Module menu, and then click Properties.

    2. Edit the name and description of the category as needed.

    3. Click OK.

  • ClosedTo move a category:

    • If you want to move a category to the root, click the category, click the ellipsis button on the Module menu, and then click Move to > Top Level.

    • If you want to move a category to another category, click the category to move, click the ellipsis button on the Module menu, and click Move to > Category, then select the destination category in the Select Category form and click OK.

  • ClosedTo delete a category:

    • Click the category, click the ellipsis button on the Module menu, and click Delete.

      NOTE: All the subcategories will be automatically deleted.