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Reporting Log

Introduced in 2023.1

In the Logs > Reporting section, you can view the statistics about all completed Reporting sessions. You can also access this log data at Services > Scheduled Reports > Logs. By default, four data views are available:

  • All Time - displays the list of all records

  • Last 7 days - displays records logged in the last 7 days

You can switch between views using the View: [View Name] list on the Module menu. You can also customize the default views using the standard Customize View window and save your customizations as your own custom views that will display the log data exactly as you need.

Each entry in the list contains Closedstatistics about a particular reporting job session.

  • Run Date - the date and time the session ran

  • Job Name - the name of the reporting job

  • Comments - error messages added for the session

  • Duration - the duration of the session

  • Report Name - the name of the report generated during the session

  • File Name - the name of the file where the report was saved

  • Errors - the number of errors occurred during the session

In this section, you can perform the following operations:

  • ClosedTo view a log record:

    • Double-click a record (or select it, and click View Log). The log file opens.

  • ClosedTo delete one or several log records:

    • Select one or several records, and click Delete.

    • To delete all records, click Clear All.

    • NOTE: Alloy Navigator automatically removes old log records after a specified number of days. To change that number, click Settings and enter a new number.

  • ClosedTo refresh the view:

    • The view automatically refreshes every ten seconds. To refresh it manually, click Refresh (or press F5).

  • ClosedTo configure log settings:

    1. Click Settings.

    2. Specify the number of days to keep log records before they are removed.

    3. Click OK.