Troubleshooting login issues
When you are trying to connect to Alloy Navigator, you may experience one of the following problems:
SQL connectivity issues - These errors are caused by connectivity issues between a user client computer and a SQLÂ Server instance hosting a database.
Login failures - These errors occur if a user tries to log in to Alloy Navigator database with credentials that cannot be validated.
SQL connectivity issues
Alloy Navigator apps use the Database Access Key to access the Alloy Navigator database. This is a unique key generated automatically when you or another Alloy Navigator administrator creates or upgrades the database. A registered copy of this key must exist on each computer that requires access to the Alloy Navigator database, which means that the key must be distributed to all target computers. For details, see
The algorithm on how to resolve the majority of connectivity issues to SQL server is described in the SQL connectivity issues article.
Login failures
Here you can see the short list of common issues causing the login failures: