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Exporting and importing views

Along with sharing your local data views with other users, you can export your view to an .xml file and let other users import your view to the appropriate data grid.

NOTE: You export and import not the data itself but its visual representation: column order, filtering, sorting, etc. For data export, see Exporting grid data.

To export a view:

  1. Display the view you want to export. For details, see Displaying views.

  2. Select View > Current View > Export View to File from the main menu. Alternatively, you can right-click anywhere on the grid and select View > Export View to File from the pop-up menu.

  3. Browse to the location where you want to save the .xml file and specify its name.

NOTE: We recommend that you include the object class in the file name, because other users must know in which grid your view can be imported. For example, the file name for the Due Tomorrow view for Incidents may be Incidents_DueTomorrow.xml.

  1. Click OK.

To import a view:

  1. Open the grid that will contain the imported view. For example, if you are importing a view for Incidents, switch to any view of the Incidents grid.

NOTE: If you try to import the view to a wrong grid, the import will fail.

  1. Select View > Current View > Import View from File from the main menu. Alternatively, you can right-click anywhere on the grid and select View > Import View from File from the pop-up menu.

  2. Browse to the .xml file containing the view definition.

  3. Click OK.

Your Alloy Navigator administrator can create an .xml file with multiple views for a grid. You can use such a file to import several data views at once.