Online Help | Desktop App

Using the Attachment Browser

The Attachment Browser allows you to browse and search for files and links attached to various objects in Alloy Navigator. The Attachment Browser can be opened from the Attachments tab of an object record window or a workflow action window by clicking Attach > Open Attachment Browser.

To browse attachments:

  1. On the right, choose a range of objects where to look for attachments: this object, its children, related objects, or all objects.

  2. In the grid area, browse the displayed attachments (if any). You can use the standard grid customization capabilities: filtering, sorting, grouping, etc.

  3. You can open an attachment file or link for viewing (the Open button), view and modify attachment properties (the Properties button), or open the object containing the attachment (the View Object button).

To find attachments containing specific text:

  1. In the Text to find field, type some text.

  2. In the In field, choose where to search for text: the attachment description, filename, etc.

  3. Click the Find button.