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Deleting user-defined fields

Use caution when deleting user-defined fields (UDFs) because all data stored in those fields will be lost.

IMPORTANT: You cannot delete UDFs that are actually being used in your workflow (i.e. the fields that have any items on the Usage tab). Remove all dependencies before deleting UDFs.

To delete a user-defined field:

  1. Go to General > Fields > [Object Class]. Alternatively, you can access UDFs for a particular object class under Workflow and Business LogicClosed.

    TIP: To access UDFs for Activity Log records, go to Miscellaneous > Object ActivityClosed.

  2. Select a field that you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click Save on the toolbar to apply the changes.

For your changes to take effect, you and other users must restart Alloy Navigator.