Online Help | Desktop App

Text element for workflow forms

Updated in 2024

Use the Text window to specify a text element to appear on the action form, either as plain text or a linked text.

  • Text: The text to display on the action form. Note that HTML markup is not supported.

    • Insert Placeholder: Brings up the Select Placeholder window where you can choose a placeholder that will be replaced with the actual field value or macro value at runtime.

  • URL: Specifies the destination of the link. When the URL parameter is provided, your text becomes a link.

    To insert a placeholder into the URL, click the ellipsis button (or click in the field and press Ctrl+Enter).

    NOTE: Web applications (the Web App and Self-Service Portal) support only these types of links: https, ftp and ftps, file (in Google Chrome, links to local files are disabled). The Desktop App supports hyperlinks of all popular types, such as https, ftp, ftps, mailto, file, skype, etc.

  • SSP Localization Key: The localization key for the Self Service Portal. Use this key to localize and tailor the text for instructions in multiple languages. For details, see Administration Guide: Localizing forms.