Administration Guide

Customizing the Logo

By default, Alloy Navigator embeds Alloy Software logo and web address when generating reports. The logo appears on top of each report page and contains a hyperlink to the company’s web site.

INFO: For details on using reports, see Help: Reports.

From the Sidebar, navigate to General > Report Settings.

If you prefer to display the logo of your company, you can do this as follows.

  1. Click Load. The Load logo from file dialog box opens.
  2. Browse for a PNG, JPEG or BMP file containing your custom logo, and click Open.
  3. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

To export and save the current report logo as a file:

  1. Click Save as. The Save as dialog box opens.
  2. Browse for the folder to save the file to, change the file name, if needed.
  3. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

To remove the logo from reports:

  1. Click Clear.
  2. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.