Administration Guide

Customizing the style of Announcements

Updated in 2022.1

Announcements for technicians appear in the Web App, Mobile App, and Desktop App. Announcements for Self Service Portal customers are displayed on the Home page of the Self Service Portal. You can independently customize the appearance of Announcements for each of these locations.

To modify the current style:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to General > CSS Styles> Announcements.

  2. Choose where you want to change the style of Announcements: Desktop App, Web App, Self Service Portal, or Mobile Apps.

  3. Customize CSS style definitions as you need. Make sure not to delete or modify existing CSS class names and selectors.

  4. Click Save on the Standard toolbar.

    NOTE: When customizing the appearance of Announcements for web or mobile apps, make sure that you precede each CSS style definition with the special parent selector #announcement. This selector ensures that your style definitions apply only to Announcements, not to the entire web page. For details, see Customizing style sheets for web and mobile apps.

To save the current style sheet to a .css file:

  1. Choose which stylesheet you want to save: Desktop App, Web App, Self Service Portal, or Mobile Apps..

  2. Click Save To File. The Save Stylesheet to dialog box opens.

  3. Browse for the location to save the file to, enter the file name, then click Save on the Standard toolbar.

To import the style sheet from a file:

  1. Choose which stylesheet you want to import: Desktop App, Web App, Self Service Portal, or Mobile Apps.

  2. Click Load From File. The Load Stylesheet from dialog box opens.

  3. Browse for the .css file and click Open.

    NOTE: When you import the style sheet from a file, you replace the current style definition. You may want to export your current style sheet to a file before doing the import in case you need to restore the original style.