Administration Guide

Configuring POP3 or IMAP4 Server Settings

If you plan to use an IMAP4 server, you should specify which folder on the server the Mail Connector will monitor for incoming messages. The default folder is INBOX. If needed, you can use a subfolder, such as INBOX.Support or INBOX/Support. Your mail server must be configured to route incoming e-mail messages to that folder. If you plan to use an IMAP server for working with MS Office 365 mailboxes (e.g., you can use only slash characters for the subfolders, such as INBOX/Support.

To integrate the Mail Connector with a POP3 or IMAP4 mail server, follow these steps:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to E-mail Processing > Mail Connector and click New. The Mail Connector dialog box appears.

  2. Under Mail Server, choose the account type for incoming mail: Post Office Protocol v3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol v4 (IMAP4).

  3. Type the name and port number of your incoming mail server.

  4. For IMAP4:

    The Mail Box field is initialized with the default INBOX value. If you created a special subfolder the Mail Connector will be pulling e-mail messages from, type its name.

  5. Enter the user name and password to connect to the mail server.

  6. If your mail server requires Secure Password Authentication, select the Require Secure Password Authentication (SPA) check box.

  7. In the Secure Connection section, select one of the following options:

    • None— This establishes an insecure (plain text) connection.

    • STARTTLS, if available This establishes a secure connection using the STARTTLS extension if it is supported by the mail server. If the server does not support STARTTLS, an insecure connection is established.

    • STARTTLS - The Mail Connector will attempt to establish a secure connection using the STARTTLS extension. If the mail server does not support STARTTLS, a connection is not established.

    • SSL/TLS - The Mail Connector will attempt to establish a secure connection. If the mail server does not support SSL/TLS, a connection is not established.

      NOTE: The current version of Alloy Navigator can establish a secure connection to a mail server using SSL 3.0 up to TLS 1.2.

  8. If you want to prevent communication with the e-mail server via a secure connection when a certificate validation error occurs, select the Reject invalid certificates check box.

  9. Click Test Connection to confirm that the Mail Connector can connect to the specified mail server.

  10. Click OK to save your settings and close the Mail Connector dialog box.

Next Steps

Now you can proceed as follows:

  1. Customize the schedule. For instructions, see Customizing the Mail Connector Schedule.

  2. To understand how your job would work, switch to the Processing tab of the Mail Connector dialog box and review the default processing rules. You can customize them, if needed. For instructions, see Configuring Processing Statements.

  3. To clean the message from unwanted text, switch to the Preprocessing Rules tab and choose preprocessing rules for your job. Alloy Navigator offers a set of pre-configured rules for the popular e-mail clients. These rules are initially disabled. You can view the rules and change their order. For more information, see Configuring Preprocessing Rules.

  4. Test the job to make sure it works correctly. For instructions, see Checking Results of a Mail Connector Job.

  5. If you plan to monitor several e-mail accounts, you must create multiple Mail Connector jobs, providing individual jobs for each e-mail account. For instructions, see Configuring Mail Connector Settings.