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Customizing the MessageID Tag

You can configure Alloy Navigator to process incoming e-mal; for details and instructions, see Configuring incoming mail. Alloy Navigator can process incoming e-mail messages and convert them into Alloy Navigator objects. Alloy Navigator can also update existing objects when a message is part of a thread initiated for an existing Alloy Navigator object. For this purpose, Alloy Navigator embeds the Object ID attribute in outgoing notifications, typically in the subject line. This way, when a reply is received, the Object ID can be extracted from the subject line of the incoming message and used to look up the ticket (or other object) it relates to.

Threaded messages must contain a special tag. The format of this tag is the following:


Note that [ObjectID] is the ID of the existing object; for example, the Incident with ID=T01234 will have the MessageID:T01234# tag.

The E-mail Processing > MessageID Tag section enables you to automate message tagging. You can configure Alloy Navigator to automatically insert this identification tag in outgoing notifications. All threaded replies to these notifications will also contain the identification tag, which will allow Alloy Navigator to extract the object ID from the message and identify the object they are related to.

The automatic tag insertion uses the pre-defined “MessageID Tag” system macro. Unlike other system macros, you can customize the MessageID Tag: change its suffix and prefix and choose where to auto-insert the tag in the e-mail subject line.

IMPORTANT: Whenever you customize the MessageID Tag, the system parsing rule that uses this macro for extracting object ID immediately reflects your changes.

To customize the MessageID Tag system macro:

  1. In the Prefix and Suffix fields, specify the prefix and suffix for the tag, respectively.

  2. In the Example field, view the example of an ID marked with the specified tag.

  3. Choose the option for automatic tag insertion. The tag can be inserted at the beginning or at the end of the e-mail subject line.

If you do not need the automatic tag insertion, click No automatic insertion, use only the MessageID Tag system macro. This option means that Alloy Navigator will not insert the tag in all outgoing notifications automatically; however, you will still be able to use the MessageID Tag system macro as a placeholder for outgoing notifications as you need (for example, insert it in the subject line for only a limited set of notifications).

NOTE: No matter whether the automatic tag insertion is enabled or not, the MessageID Tag is used by the Mail Connector Parser for extracting objects’ IDs from incoming messages. For details, see Understanding the Mail Connector: System parsing rule.

  1. Click Save.