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Execute Function

An Execute Function operation specifies a Function to be executed. You configure this operation using the Execute Function window.

To specify a Function to execute:

  1. Click Select and either choose a Function from the list of existing Functions for the object class or create a new one by clicking New and then selecting it.

  2. Under Parameters, view the list of parameter values that are passed to the Function:

    • Default parameter values will display <Default> in red color.

    • Parameter values that have to be assigned will display <Double click to assign value> in red color.

    IMPORTANT: You cannot invoke a Function with missing parameter values. If a parameter value is missing, you must assign it.

  3. For each parameter that has no value assigned and for parameters with default values you want to change, you must assign a value as follows:

    • Quickly assign one of predefined values:

      • Right-click the parameter row and select a value from the pop-up list, which contains the following items:

        • <Empty> - the placeholder for passing the empty value as the parameter value.

        • When the Function is executed from an Action: If the corresponding Action Form has virtual fields, the list displays the virtual fields of the same data type as the target parameter.

        • When the Function is executed from another Function: If the executing Function has its own parameters, the list contains parameters of the same data type as the target parameter.

    • If the pop-up list does not contain the value that you need, double-click the parameter row and set its value in the Assign Parameter window.

  4. Keep the Enable operation check box selected to enable the operation. Otherwise, the operation will be disabled.

  5. Click OK.