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Configuring Functions

Functions are workflow components that can be invoked by Actions, Triggers, and even other Functions to perform various simple workflow operations, unconditionally or conditionally (see Adding workflow operations). A Function can also use parameters which are static or dynamic values you supply to the Function. Functions can utilize those values in their operations.

You configure Functions for a particular object class in the Workflow and Business Logic > [Module] > [Object Class] > Workflow > Components > Functions section.

To configure a Function:

  1. In the list of Functions for the object class, click New. The Function [FunctionName] window opens.

  2. ClosedOn the General tab, specify the Function operations.

    • Object Class (read-only) - the object class for which the Function is created.

    • ID (read-only) - the identification number of the Function that uniquely identifies it from other workflow items and components.

    • Name - the Function name.

    • Under Operations, configure the list of operations, or select an existing, previously created Function.

      • New - adds a new operation or a conditional block:

        NOTE: If the Function has any parameters assigned, placeholders for their values are available in the Select Placeholder window (in the Parameters category) when you configure operations.

        Operations are executed in the order they appear in the list, with some exceptions:
        1. If the list of operations includes E-mail Notification operations or Functions containing E-mail Notification operations, the placeholders in those E-mail Notifications will be replaced with the values that are actual after the whole Function is executed.
        2. If the list of operations includes Execute SQL operations or Functions containing Execute SQL operations, the Function will run Execute SQL operations last, after saving all changes made by Update Field and Create Object operations.

      • Edit - allows you to modify the selected operation or a conditional statement.

      • Delete - removes the selected operation or a conditional statement.

      • Move Up / Move Down - moves up or sown the selected operation or a conditional statement and changes the execution order.

      • Copy / Paste commands in the pop-up menu - copy the selected operation or conditional statement.

  3. ClosedOn the Parameters tab, you can supply parameters to the Function.

    • New - opens the Parameter window where you configure a parameter to assign.

    • Edit - allows you to modify the selected parameter.

    • Remove - removes the selected parameter.

    • Move Up - moves the selected parameter up.

    • Move Down - moves the selected parameter down.

      NOTE: When configuring an Action, Trigger, or other Function that calls this Function, its parameters are listed in the order that you set here.

  4. Click OK.

To view workflow components that invokes the Function:

  1. In the list of Functions for the object class, double-click the Function to bring up the [Object Class] Function window.

  2. Go to the Callers tab and see all the workflow items and components that invokes the Function. To open the details of a component, double-click it.

    NOTE: You cannot assign a Function to a workflow item or component from here. You choose the Function when configuring the programming aspect of the item or component.