Defining software categories
Alloy Discovery allows you to classify software products by assigning each product to a certain software category (for details, see Classification of software products).
You manage software categories using the General > Software Catalog > Software Categories section as follows:
To modify a software category:
Go to the General > Software Catalog > Software Categories section.
Select the desired category and click Edit. The Software Category window opens.
Modify the category as needed.
Click OK.
To delete a software category:
Go to the General > Software Catalog > Software Categories section.
Select the desired category and click Delete.
If there are software products associated with the deleted category, the Select Item window appears. In the Software Category drop-down list, select the category where to move all the products and click OK.
To change the order of software categories:
Go to the General > Software Catalog > Software Categories section.
Select the category to move and use the Move Up or Move Down buttons.
Software Category window
In the Category window, you can view or modify the software product category settings.
Software Category - the name of the software category.
Active - enables the category for configuring software products. The category appears in the General tab of the Software Product window.
Related Information for Administrators:
Managing the Software Catalog
Software Catalog