Installation Guide

Upgrade your Alloy Discovery database

Updated in 2021.2

This page describes how to upgrade your production Alloy Discovery to the latest version in a single step.

INFO: For details, see Pilot upgrade.

IMPORTANT: If the database is involved in replication, you should turn the replication off before the upgrade. After the database has been successfully upgraded, you can re-configure SQL Server database replication. For details, see your Microsoft SQL Server documentation; for example, Disabling Publishing and Distribution.

To upgrade the database:

  1. Run the Database Management tool and click Next to continue.

  2. On the Task page, select Upgrade Existing Database option and click Next. The Source Database page opens.

  3. Specify the information to connect to your production (source) database.

    1. Enter the name or IP address of the SQL server where your production database resides.

      NOTE: If you are connecting to a named SQL Server instance, it must be specified in the form Servername\Instancename; for example: SQLSERV001\SQLEXPRESS. If the server uses a non-standard port, add the port number, separating it with a comma; for example, SQLSERV001\SQLEXPRESS,5618.

    2. Provide your credentials to log on to the SQL Server using an account with the sysadmin role on the SQL Server:

      • To use your Windows account, choose Windows Authentication.

      • To use your SQL Server account, choose SQL Server Authentication and type your account name and password.

    3. Choose the name of your production (source) database from the drop-down list.

    Click Next. The Upgrade Scenario page opens.

  4. Select Production Upgrade and click Next.

  5. If the Breaking Changes page appears, review the changes that may affect your system.

    INFO: For details, see Release Notes: Breaking changes.

    Click Next.

  6. On the Backup Location page, keep the Enable backup check box selected and browse for a folder on the SQL server for the database backup file and specify its file name.

    IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that you back up your production database now. You will always be able to restore you database from this backup copy if something goes wrong. Do not delete the backup file until the upgrade is complete and you are satisfied with the results.

    Click Next.

  7. If the Database Account page opens, specify the account for accessing the database.

    INFO: For details, see Database Account.

    1. Provide the credentials for an existing SQL Server account that will serve as the Database Account. Alternatively, click Create SQL Server Account and create a new SQL Server account for this task.

      Click Next. The Database Access Key page opens.

    2. Once you specified the Database Account, the Database Management tool generates a unique Database Access Key. A registered copy of this key must exist on each computer that requires access to the pilot database.

      INFO: For details, see Distributing the Database Access Key.

      By default, the key is exported into the [KeyName].reg file on your desktop. To change the default path or name, click the ellipsis button and specify a new location.

      Click Next.

  8. On the Ready to Proceed page, click Next to proceed. Click Back if you need to make any changes. The process may take considerable time depending on the size of your production database.

  9. Once the pilot database is created, the Summary page opens. Review the details about your upgraded database and click Finish to complete the process.

NOTE: If you customized any pre-packaged reports in your previous version, the upgrade preserves your customizations. However, the latest version may include some updates to pre-packed reports, including those that you customized. If any updated copies of your customized reports exist, Alloy Discovery automatically installs them during the upgrade and adds (Updated in 2024.1.x) to their names. For details, see Help: Updating reports to the latest version and .