Online Help

Creating Domain segments


This page describes how to create a Domain segment that scans a specific Active Directory domain.

To create a Domain segment:

  1. In the left navigation sidebar, choose Network.

  2. In the Network section, click on the Segments tile.

  3. Click the + New Segment button.

  4. Select the Domain icon and click Next to open the new segment's configuration parameters.

  5. In the Select or install Audit Service section, click the down arrow and choose a previously deployed Audit Service instance.

    If none of the registered services apply for your segment, click Download Alloy Audit Service to download a new Audit Service, and then run the installation package on a computer inside the domain or address list you want to scan. Once the Alloy Audit Service is successfully installed, it will appear in the list above, so you can select it and proceed with the configuration.

  6. Expand the Domain section.

  7. The Name of the new segment is assigned automatically, but you can edit it if necessary.

  8. In the Domain field specify the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) or BIOS name of the domain you want to include in the segment. The FQDN typically includes the complete hierarchy of domain names from the top-level domain (e.g., .com or .org) down to the specific subdomain and the host name.

  9. Optionally, click Test connection to confirm that can successfully reach and communicate with the targeted domain.

  10. Expand the Credentials and provide credentials for accessing computers and devices within the segment. Depending on the device type and the operating system it runs, provide credentials in the following sections: Windows, Linux and macOS, Hypervisor, or SNMP.

  11. Creating a Scan schedule is entirely optional at this stage. You can opt to continue without setting a schedule by clicking Continue without a schedule. Alternatively, if you prefer to establish a schedule, you can choose the scan frequency from options like Daily, Weekly, or Monthly and specify the details accordingly.

  12. The last stage Let's get started! Discover where to find the results allows you to review where find the discovered devices.

    After creating the segment, it will be visible in the Network section and can be scanned on demand. Following the first scan, all discovered devices will be listed within the segment. You can then select specific devices for a detailed audit, and audited devices will be automatically added to the Inventory section. Discovered software will be available in the Software section. A toggle option allows you to automatically scan the new segment after its creation, with this feature enabled by default.

  13. To finalize the process, click Create.