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General tab

The General tab displays the following information about the Software Product in the read-only mode:

  • New - This check box is used in Network Inventory to initially mark the auto-created Software Products; Network Inventory users may clear this check box when modifying the Software Product record.

  • Product Name - The software product's name.

  • Version - The version of the product.

  • Manufacturer - The manufacturer of the software product, a reference to a Manufacturer record. Manufacturer records are created automatically for the manufacturers of Software Products.

  • Part Number - The manufacturer part number of the product, such as Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).

  • Platform - The software product's platform: Windows, Linux, or Mac.

  • MS Store App - the check box that shows whether this application is downloaded from Microsoft Store.

  • Web Page - The software product's website address. When this field is filled out, you can open the website in your default Internet browser by clicking the Web Page link.

  • Description - This field can contain any additional information about the product.

  • Group - The software group for product classification (as it was classified in Network Inventory). The following predefined groups are typically used:

    • Primary - This group is the default one and includes all commercial software you want to track.

    • Secondary - This group includes the products that you do not need to track, such as freeware or open source software. You can create a filter to hide such records in views and exclude them from reports.

    • Prohibited - This group includes unauthorized software products that are prohibited to install in your organization, such as computer games.

    • Ignored - This group includes products that have no effect on the software licensing policy in your company. Those products are skipped during the software discovery process, and their installations are not recorded. However, there might be cases when a product is included to the Ignored group in Network Inventory shortly before the import of audit snapshots to Alloy Navigator Express ; in this case, discovered installations of products from the Ignored group can be shown in Alloy Navigator Express.

  • Suite Components - This section appears if this product is a suite that combines several "child" software products and lists the suite components. If the version of the component is known, it is specified in parentheses after its name.

  • A part of suite - This field appears if this product is a suite component. The field shows the name of this suite and its version in parentheses (if known).

  • Tracked Software - The name of Tracked Software record to which this product is linked.

  • Discovered - The number of discovered installations of this product according to the data imported from Network Inventory.

  • Used - The number of Software Licenses allocated to the computers where installations of the product were discovered.