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Frequently-used text fields

Updated in 2024

See which "frequently-used text fields" the Search tool uses when searching Alloy Navigator Express objects for the specified search text. These text fields typically contain important object information.

Search in Frequently-used text fields
Announcements ID, Title, Content, Notes
Approval Requests ID, Notes
Change Requests Ticket, Summary, Description, Notes
Computers ID, Name, Description, Notes, Barcode, Serial Num
Consumables ID, Name, Description, Notes
Contracts ID, Title, Description, Notes
Group ID, Name, Notes
Inventory Items ID, Name, Description, Notess, Barcode, Serial Num
KB Articles ID, Title, Content, Notes
Library Items ID, Name, Description, Notes
Locations ID, Location, Notes
Organizations ID, Name, Notes, Web Page
Persons ID, Full Name, Primary Email, Home Phone, Mobile Phone, Business Phone, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Notes
Purchase Orders (POs) ID, PO Number, Title, Notes
PO Items PO Number, PO Title, Description
Equipment Reservations ID, Notes
Software Licenses ID, Name, Description, Notes, Serial Number
Software Products Product Name, Description, Notes
Tracked Software ID, Name, Description, Notes
ITĀ Assets ID, Name, Notes, Category, Class, Created by, Location, Modified by, Organization, Owner, Status, Type
Vendors ID, Name, Notes
Vendor Product Product ID, Product, Manufacturer, Part Number';
Tickets Summary, Description, Notes
Everywhere Frequently-used text fields for all object classes