Outgoing Notifications Log
Introduced in 2023.1
In the Logs > Outgoing Notifications section, you can view the statistics collected each time Alloy Navigator Express connects to the outgoing mail server and push notification server to send out notifications. For details, see Outgoing Notifications.
You can also access this log data at Outgoing Notifications > Logs. By default, two data views are available:
All Time - displays the list of all records
Last 7 days - displays records logged in the last 7 days
You can switch between views using the View: [View Name] list on the Module menu. You can also customize the default views using the standard Customize View window and save your customizations as your own custom views that will display the log data exactly as you need.
Each entry in the list contains statistics collected during each session.
In this section, you can perform the following operations: