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Configuring AlloyScan Synchronization

Introduced in 2023.2

This page describes how to configure the AlloyScan synchronization job. This entity is responsible for loading inventory information from AlloyScan and updating your Alloy Navigator Express according to the schedule you've configured.

To configure the AlloyScan synchronization, navigate to Services > AlloyScan Integration > Synchronization and provide the following parameters :

  • Enabled: Select this checkbox to enable automatic job execution.

    TIP: If you prefer manual execution, clear this checkbox, configure the schedule, and use manual execution when necessary. For manual execution details, refer to Managing all Automation Server jobs: To force a job to run.

  • Under AlloyScan Authorization, provide the following details about the AlloyScan site and an ordinary AlloyScan user account (with no special permissions required):

    • Site URL: The URL where the AlloyScan site is hosted.

    • Client ID and Client Secret: These parameters are configured in AlloyScan (My Organization > Identity > App registrations) to manage the access of external applications to the resources within AlloyScan.

    • Test Connection: Verify that the AlloyScan site can be connected as specified.

  • Under Schedule, set the upload schedule for the AlloyScan Connector to retrieve data from AlloyScan. Click Change to configure the schedule.

Click OK to save your changes.