New Network Node Wizard - OS Type
On this page, provide the identifying information of your Computer. After the wizard creates a Computer, you can change specified properties, as needed. For details, see Viewing and Changing Network Node Properties.
To specify identifying information of a Computer:
In the OS Type field, select the desired type from a drop-down list, such as Windows, Linux, or Mac OS.
NOTE: If want Network Inventory to audit a created Computer, specify OS Type as Undefined and discover the Site or the Direct Network Scan Audit Source where that Computer belongs. If the OS Type value is already specified, Network Inventory does not update the data.
For computers running virtualization platforms, in the Hypervisor field, select the desired type, such as MS Hyper-V Server, VMware ESX, Vmware ESXi, Xen Hypervisor, Citrix XenServer.
NOTE: If you want Network Inventory to audit a created hypervisor, specify the hypervisor as Undefined and discover the Site or the Direct Network Scan Audit Source where that hypervisor belongs. If a hypervisor is already specified or the Hypervisor field of the Node properties stores the Not a Hypervisor value, Network Inventory does not update the data
Click Next.