Database Account
The Database Account is a SQL Server account that all Network Inventory users and services use to access the Network Inventory database. We recommend that you create a dedicated SQL Server account for this task.
The Database Account does not require any server-level roles. As soon as you specify the Database Account, the Database Management tool grants these permissions to this SQL Server account:
db_owner fixed-database role for the Network Inventory database.
VIEW ANY DEFINITION and VIEW SERVER STATE SQL Server permissions. These permissions are required for activation Network Inventory via Internet.
IMPORTANT: Please consider to never change this account, or do it only when it is absolutely necessary. Any changes made to this SQL Server account on the SQL Server will require the Network Inventory administrator to generate a new Database Access Key, reconfigure all Inventory Server instances, and modify the existing connections on all technician workstations.
To select an existing SQL Server account:
Select the authentication type from the Authentication list.
Select the login name from the Login list and enter the password.
Click Next.
To create a new SQL Server account:
Click Create SQL Server Account. to bring up the Create SQL Server account window.
In the Authentication list, select which authentication this SQL Server account will use.
For Windows Authentication:
In the Login field, enter the login name of a Windows user, as follows:
Click OK.
Alternatively, click Find to bring up the standard Windows Select User dialog box to quickly find the dedicated Windows user account. For more information, refer to the Choosing a windows account page.
For SQL Server Authentication:
Enter a login name for the new account in the Login field.
IMPORTANT: Your SQL Server login name can contain from 1 to 128 characters, including only letters and numbers. The name cannot contain symbols, such as a semicolon (;) or a backslash (\); be a reserved login name, for example sa or public, or already exist; or be NULL or an empty string ('').
Type a password and retype it. Alternatively, click Generate to auto-generate a secure password.
Click OK.
Click Next.