Online Help | Network Inventory

Viewing license usage statistics

Available only in the standalone edition of Alloy Discovery

Alloy Discovery calculates license usage statistics for each of your software products (for details, see Configuring software licenses), so you can see how many license entitlements you have used and how many are either available or required. A license entitlement represents your right to install and use software products according to the license agreement. You can view statistics of a particular software product or to display the license usage statistics for all of the detected software products in the Software Catalog grid.

To view license usage statistics of a particular software product:

  1. In the Sidebar, click Software > Software Catalog.

  2. In the grid, select the product and click Open. The Software Product window opens.

  3. On the General tab, check the Discovered and License Qty values.

Below that statistics numbers, the following compliance status indicators are displayed:

- indicates that the software is compliant.

- indicates that the software is not compliant.

NOTE: For non-compliant software, you can also see a warning message: The Software Product is not compliant. The number of discovered installations exceeds the total license quantity.

To view license usage statistics for all software products:

  • In the Sidebar, click Software > Software Catalog.

The Compliance fields shows you the current compliance status, License Qty and Discovered values allow you to compare statistics numbers and calculate how many licenses are available or required.