Managing knowledge categories
The KB Articles are organized by applying them to various knowledge categories. Each KB Article can be related to an unlimited number of knowledge categories (for details, see Categorizing objects). You can use knowledge categories to find appropriate articles when you perform an advanced search or browse the Knowledge Base.
The knowledge categories are organized in the hierarchial tree. When building the categories tree, you can add new categories and add new subcategories within existing categories as well as modify and delete the categories. The categories tree always includes system "All Articles" and "Uncategorized" nodes; "All Articles" includes all existing KB articles, "Uncategorized" includes Articles that are not assigned to any category. The "All Articles" category and the "Uncategorized" category cannot be changed in any way.
Each knowledge category can be either internal or public. Self Service Portal (SSP) customers can see only public categories, the internal ones are invisible for them. However, SSP customers can view all the public KB articles, even if they apply to internal categories.
By default, a new knowledge category is internal. You can make the category visible for Self Service Portal customers by marking it as public.
You can perform the following operations with knowledge categories: