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Marking Assets and Contracts as retired

When a Computer, a Inventory Item becomes retired or a Contract is not actual anymore, you mark its record as retired.

Retired Computer, Inventory Item and Contract records disappear from the Select Asset and Select Contract windows and cannot be edited, you can only view them.

Typically, you mark Computer, Inventory Item or Contract records as retired by executing the corresponding Retire actions. If a Computer, Inventory Item, or Software License is chosen in the Associated CI field of the Asset record, when you perform this action for the Asset, the associated configuration item becomes also retired.

The information about retired Computers, Inventory Items is not considered when Alloy Navigator Express checks license compliance:

  • Discovered installations on retired Computers are not counted when Alloy Navigator Express calculates discovered installations of the Software Product.

  • The allocations of Software Licenses to retired Computers or Inventory Items are not counted when Alloy Navigator Express calculates the number of allocations for these licenses.

The information about retired CIs are hidden on the following locations:

  • Retired records disappear from the corresponding Select [ Object] windows.

  • The discovered installations on retired Computers are not listed on the Discovered Installations tabs of corresponding Tracked Software and Software Product records.

  • The Discovered Installations grid omits discovered installations on retired Computers.

  • The allocations of Software Licenses to retired Computers or Inventory Items are neither listed on the Allocated Licenses tab of the Tracked Software window and the Allocation tab of the Software License window.