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Holiday / Working Day / Custom Hours window

The Holiday, Working Day, and Custom Hours windows allow you to specify a work calendar exception such as a holiday, early dismissal, emergency shift, and other non-standard working or non-working hours. Each exception may be custom (i.e. applied only to a particular work calendar) or included in a reusable Exception List.

Holiday window

You use the Holiday window to add or modify a holiday.

Name - the holiday name.

Annual - specifies that the holiday occurs on the same date every year. For example, Independence Day in the USA, which is annually celebrated on July 4.

Day [Day Number] of [Month] - the holiday date. For example: Day 4 of July.

Floating date - specifies that the holiday occurs on a fixed day of the week and repeats every year. For example, Labor Day in the USA and Canada, which occurs on the first Monday of September every year.

The [Week Number] [Day of Week] of [Month] - the holiday date. For example: The First Monday of September.

Fixed date - specifies that the holiday occurs on a fixed day of the year and does not necessary repeats every year. For example, a one-time event such as a company anniversary or the Employees's Day that occurs every year on a different date.

Date - the holiday date. To specify a date, click the down arrow to bring up the calendar and select a date. For example: 22/02/2013.

Working Day window

You use the Working Day window to add or modify a non-standard working or non-working day, i.e. an exception when your company works on a weekend or is off on a weekday.

Name - the name for the non-standard working day or day off.

Date - the date. To specify a date, click the down arrow to bring up the calendar and select a date.

Hours - the working hours configuration. You can manage the list of these configurations in the Working Week section just below the Holidays and Exceptions section. For details, see Defining working and non-working hours.

Custom Hours window

You use the Custom Hours window to add or modify an exception to regular working hours such as an early dismissal, overtime, emergency shift, scheduled blackout, or other non-standard working or non-working hours. Your custom time interval may be one-day event such as a partial day or overtime or may last for several days such as a company vacation.

Name - the name for the custom hours configuration.

Start Date and Time - the start date and time for the custom hours. To specify a date, click the down arrow in the Start Date field to bring up the calendar and select a date.

End Date and Time - the end date and time for the custom hours. To specify a date, click the down arrow in the End Date field to bring up the calendar and select a date.

Is Work Time - specifies that the custom hours define non-standard working time such as overtime. If the check box is clear, the custom hours define non-working time.