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Defining software groups

The Network Inventory >Software Catalog >Software Groups section allows you to classify software products by assigning each product to a certain software group (for details, see Network Inventory Help: Classification of software products).

By default, there are four predefined groups. You can add, edit and delete groups as follows:

  • ClosedTo add a software group:

    1. Go to the Network Inventory >Software Catalog >Software Groups section, click New. The New Software Group window appears.

    2. Type in a name for the group.

    3. If you want to discover software products in this group, select Discover software products.

      • To export all the discovered software products to the Alloy Navigator Express, select the Synchronize with Alloy Navigator Express check box.

    4. If you want the products from this group to be ignored during the discovery process, select Ignore during the discovery process.

    NOTE: If you ignore the products during the discovery process, the information about its discovered installations will be deleted without reporting this in the Change History (for details, see Network Inventory Help - Viewing Change History) during the next data upload.

    1. Click OK.

  • NOTE: The default software group is set by the database administrator (for details, see Software Discovery Options).

  • ClosedTo modify a software group:

    1. Go to the Network Inventory >Software Catalog >Software Groups section.

    2. Select the desired group and click Edit. The Software Group window opens.

    3. Modify the group as needed.

    4. Click OK.

  • ClosedTo delete a software group:

    1. Go to the Network Inventory >Software Catalog >Software Groups section.

    2. Select the desired group and click Delete.

    3. If there are software products associated with the deleted group, the Select Item window appears. In the Software Group drop-down list, select the group where to move all the products and click OK.

  • ClosedTo change the order of software groups:

    1. Go to the Network Inventory >Software Catalog >Software Groups section.

    2. Select the group to move and use the Move Up or Move Down buttons.

Software Group window

In the Software Group window, you can view or modify the software product group settings.

Software Group - the name of the software product group.

Discover software products - enables the discovery process for all the software products of this group.

Synchronize with Alloy Navigator Express - enables export of all the discovered software products to the Alloy Navigator Express database.

NOTE: When configured, Alloy Navigator Express uses inventory data mapping rules when importing audit snapshots from Network Inventory. For details, see Configuring Data Mapping for Network Inventory Synchronization.

Ignore during the discovery process - enables to skip all products of this group during the software discovery process, and not to record installations of these products. You configure to ignore the products that have no effect on the software licensing policy in your company.

NOTE: If you ignore a product during the discovery process, the information about its discovered installations will be deleted without reporting this in the Change History (for details, see Network Inventory Help: Viewing Change History) during the next data upload.