Online Help | Desktop App

Condition page

On this page you define the condition triggering the alert. Depending on the alert type that you chose on the previous page, one of the following alert conditions is displayed:

  • ClosedObject Change alert condition

    1. In the Notify when drop-down list, select an object to track.

    2. Select the condition that will trigger the alert. If you want to trigger the alert when the object is detected on newly discovered computers, select the detected condition.

  • ClosedAttribute Value alert condition

    1. In the Notify when drop-down list, select the hardware or software component's attribute that the condition will be based on.

    2. Select the condition from the list. If prompted, enter a value for the comparison.

    3. By default, Network Inventory checks the attribute value every time computers are audited, and triggers the alert when the value meets the condition. If you want to generate the alert only when the value meets the condition AND has changed since the previous audit, select the Generate notification only if the audit attribute has changed check box.

    TIP: If you want to trigger the alert whenever the attribute value is changed, regardless of its value, use the has any value condition and select the Generate notification only if the audit attribute has changed check box.

  • ClosedFree Disk Space alert condition

    1. In the drop-down list, select the disk to track.

    2. Enter the threshold in percent.

  • ClosedMemory Size alert condition

    1. In the Notify when the RAM size drop-down list, select the condition for checking the RAM size.

    2. Enter the threshold in megabytes.

  • ClosedSoftware Product Change alert condition

    1. In the Notify when the following software drop-down list, select the condition that will trigger the alert. If you want to detect the presence of a software product, select the exists condition.

    2. Select one of these options:

      • If you want to detect the installation or uninstallation of any software, click Any software.

      • If you want the alert to be triggered on a software product from a specific software group, click Software from the group and select the group. For details about software groups, see Network Inventory Help System: Classification of software products.

      • If you want the alert to be triggered on a particular product, click Specific software and type in the product name. In addition, if you want to track a specific product version, click Specific version and type in the version.

      • NOTE: The software name and version can include wildcards: use "?" to represent any single character and "*" to represent any sequence of characters.

  • ClosedUAC alert condition

    • Select the UAC state that will trigger the alert: ON or OFF.

    • NOTE: The UAC alert generates notifications only when UAC is supported by the operating system of the audited computer.

  • ClosedHardware Change alert condition

    • Select one or several hardware configuration changes that will trigger the alert.
      Conditions are connected with OR logic, meaning that the alert is triggered if the audit snapshot satisfies any of the selected conditions.

    • NOTE: It is mandatory to select at least one condition.

  • ClosedNetwork Settings Change alert condition

    • Select one or several changes to a computer’s network settings that will trigger the alert. Conditions are connected with OR logic, meaning that the alert is triggered if the audit snapshot satisfies any of the selected conditions.

    • NOTE: It is mandatory to select at least one condition.

Define the condition and click Next to proceed.