Installation Guide


Updated in 2021.1

To perform an unattended installation:

  • Run an installer with these command-line options: /i /qn

Use the following installer files:

  • AlloyNavigatorExpressSetup.exe for Alloy Navigator Express (server and desktop components)

  • AlloyNavigatorExpressWP.exe for the Web App

  • AlloyNavigatorExpressSSP.exe for the Self Service Portal

  • AlloyNavigatorExpressAPI.exe for the API module

Example: AlloyNavigatorExpressSetup.exe /i /qn

INFO: For Alloy Navigator Express 2024, running the installer with these options will perform a full installation, including client and server components. If you want to perform a client-only or server-only installation, specify additional options. For details, see Client and Server Installation of Alloy Navigator Express .