Installation Guide

Checking the API Module

After you have installed and configured the API module, you can quickly check if it is up and running.

To check the API module, follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure that you have a technician account in Alloy Navigator Express with Windows authentication.

    INFO: For information on accounts and authentication types, see Administration Guide: Account Administration.

  2. Launch the Web Configuration tool from the Alloy Control Panel or from the Start menu (Start > Alloy Software > Web Configuration).
  3. INFO: For details, see Using the Alloy Control Panel.

  4. In the left-hand pane, select the web site or virtual directory where the API module is installed.
  5. In the Web section, click Configure. The Configure Alloy Navigator Express API dialog box opens.
  6. Click Next until the User Authentication Type page appears.
  7. If the authentication type is set to Access Token Authentication, set it to Windows Authentication. You will be able to switch back to Access Token Authentication later, after checking the API.
  8. Click Next and then click Apply.
  9. Open a web browser and type in the following URL in the address bar:


    http://localhost:81/api is the API URL where the actual server name (e.g. is replaced with localhost to prevent possible authentication issues.

    NOTE: To find out the API URL, launch the Web Configuration tool and select the web site or virtual directory where the API module is installed. The API URL will be displayed in the Web section.

    <objectID> is the ID of an Alloy Navigator Express object of a supported class (e.g. T000002).

    INFO: For a list of object classes supported by the API module, refer to API User’s Guide: Supported object classes.

    If the API module is up and running, the web browser should display an XML or JSON document containing information about the Alloy Navigator Express object.

    NOTE: Some web browsers may require you to provide your Windows credentials to access the API.