Installation Guide

Creating a New Alloy Navigator Express Database

There are two scenarios for creating a new Alloy Navigator Express database: you can create a database either while installing Alloy Navigator Express or after Alloy Alloy Navigator Express has been installed.

To create a new database:

  1. Launch the Database Management tool:

    • If you are creating a database while installing Alloy Navigator Express, the wizard starts automatically when you complete the Alloy Navigator Express Setup Wizard with the Run the Database Management to create a new Alloy Navigator Express database check box selected on the last page.

    • If Alloy Navigator Express is already installed, run the Database Management tool from the Alloy Control Panel.

      INFO: For details, see Using the Alloy Control Panel.

  2. On the Welcome to the Database Management page, click Next.

  3. On the Choose an action to perform page, click Create a new database, and then click Next.

  4. On the Database type page, choose the type of database that you want to create.

    INFO: For details, see Database Types.

    Click Next.

  5. On the Specify the target server and database page, configure the following settings:

    1. Choose the SQL server where your Alloy Navigator Express database resides (or will reside if you are creating a new one).

      NOTE: If the server uses a non-standard port, add the port number, separating it with a comma; for example, SQLSERV001\SQLEXPRESS,5618.

    2. Provide your credentials to log in to the SQL Server. Your account must have the SQL sysadmin role:

      • To use your Windows account, choose Windows Authentication. You are not required to type in a login name and password.

      • To use your SQL Server account, choose Standard Authentication and enter your SQL login name and password.

        INFO: For details about authentication types, see Authentication types.

    3. Enter a name for the new database.

    4. To use the default collation and database file settings, leave the Configure advanced database properties (collation, storage, etc.) check box cleared and click Next. Proceed to the next step describing the Database Account page.

      In some rare cases, you may want to use a non-default collation for the database and/or specify custom names, locations, and allocate initial sizes for the database files. Then, select the Show advanced database options check box and click Next. Configure the advanced database options on the following two pages:

      • Optional: On the Specify the default collation used for the target database page, choose the desired collation. Click Next.

        NOTE: For information on choosing the appropriate collation contact your database administrator, check the SQL Server documentation or MSDN library.

      • Optional: On the Specify the target database files page, enter the names for the Data and Transaction Log files with their locations and initial sizes. You can browse for a file by clicking the ellipsis button in the Location field. Click Next.

        NOTE: If you expect that your database can be large, you may decide to spread data across multiple files or even disks. In that case, you can click Add in the corresponding section to define secondary Data Files and their additional Transaction Log files. For information on complex database file configurations, refer to your SQL Server documentation.

  6. On the Database Account page, specify the Database Account.

    IMPORTANT: For details, see Database Account.

    Provide the credentials for an existing SQL Server login that will serve as the Database Account. Alternatively, click Create SQL Server Account and create a new SQL Server login for this task.

    Click Next.

  7. On the Database Access Key page, specify the location of the Database Access Key. Once you specified the Database Account, the Database Management tool generates a Database Access Key. By default, the key is exported into the [KeyName].reg file on your desktop. To change the default path or name, click the ellipsis button and specify a new location.

    INFO: For details, see Distributing the Database Access Key.

    Click Next.

  8. On the Administrative Account page, provide information for the initial account:

    • Select authentication type.

      INFO: For details, see Authentication types.

    • For Windows authentication: Click the Find button to bring up the standard Windows Select User dialog box. This dialog box allows you to quickly find a domain or local user account. For example, you can choose a location to search in, enter the user name to find and click Check Names. For more information, refer to the Select User dialog box's Help system. When your have finished, select the found user name in the list and click OK to close the dialog.

      Alternatively, type in a Windows login name. This can be a Windows domain or local computer account. Use the following format: <domain>\<username> or <computer>\<username>.

      Then click Next.

    • For Standard authentication: Specify a username and password. Click Next.

      NOTE: The account you are creating on this page will be the first user account in your Alloy Navigator Express database and counted as the first user consuming your product license.

  9. On the Create person record associated with the administrative account page, specify the details for the person who is to administer the database.

    NOTE: If you chose Windows authentication, the wizard will attempt to import this information from the Active Directory.

    Optional: To import the information about this person from the Active Directory, click Browse Active Directory, choose a domain, select a Windows user, and click OK.

    Click Next.

  10. On the Ready to proceed page opens, click Next to proceed with creating the database. Click Back if you need to change any of your settings.

    When the database is created, the Summary page opens with the information about the newly created database.

    Click Finish and activate the new database.