Business Policies
Business Policies are non-interactive workflow items based on a condition or an event such as object creation or modification. As opposed to Actions, Business Policies are not dependent on the object's lifecycle stage or the particular workflow step.
IMPORTANT: Alloy Navigator Express supports Business Policies only for Tickets.
There are several types of Ticket Business Policies:
Ticket Escalation — These policies change Ticket’s assignee, status, and/or priority and optionally generate notifications when the Ticket satisfies a specified condition. Alloy Navigator Express regularly checks this condition and escalates the Ticket if the condition is true. For example, a Ticket Escalation policy may raise the Ticket priority and notify the assignee when the Ticket approaches its due date.
Ticket Prioritization — These policies auto-calculate the Due Date of Tickets according to their degree of importance. Alloy Navigator Express applies Ticket Prioritization policies when Tickets are created or modified. For example, a Ticket Prioritization policy may set the Due Date two working hours ahead of the current time when an IT manager submits a Ticket and sets the priority to "Emergency."
Ticket Routing — These policies assign Tickets to certain technician when the Ticket satisfies a specified condition. Alloy Navigator Express checks this condition whenever Tickets are created or modified. For example, you can use a Ticket Routing policy for auto-assignment of all Tickets of the "Internet" category to the network administrator.
Additional Ticket Automation — These policies change Ticket properties when a Ticket is created or modified and satisfies a specified condition. You can use an Additional Ticket Automation policy when the automation that you need cannot be achieved using other types of Business Policies.
You can modify the default Ticket Business Policies or create you own ones.
The Aspects of Business Policies
The following aspects control the behavior of each policy:
When the Business Policy must be applied
Policies are applied when a specified event occurs in the Service Desk module or their condition becomes true. The condition is a logical expression involving Ticket field values and system macros. The Workflow Automation Engine in Alloy Navigator Express checks policy conditions as follows:
- Ticket Escalation — continuously, at specified time intervals.
- Ticket Prioritization, Ticket Routing, Additional Ticket Automation — every time a Ticket record is created or modified.
How the policy affects the Ticket itself, related objects, and participants of the business process
Similar to Actions, Business Policies can modify Ticket fields, perform workflow actions on related objects, and send out e-mail notifications.