Administration Guide

Specifying Related Asset Template for Ticket Records

Ticket records have the Related Asset field, which can be used to associate the Ticket with a related asset (Computer, Inventory Item, or Software License).

When a user specifies a related asset for a Ticket, the Related Asset value is displayed as a combination of various object attributes. You can configure templates to define how Alloy Navigator Express displays the value of this field:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to Customization > IT Assets > Options.
  2. Under Related Asset Template, see the current Related Asset template, where the following placeholders are used:
    • [Class] the object class
    • [Type] the object type
    • [ID] the object identifier
    • [Asset Tag] the object Asset Tag
    • [Name] the object name
  3. Change the template as needed using one of the following options:
    • Select another predefined template from the Current Template list.
    • Create your own template by arranging placeholders in the desired order and separating them as you need.

      NOTE: When the Related Asset field displays an object that does not have an attribute used in the template, the placeholder will insert a blank space.

  4. Click Preview to see an example of the Related Asset field value with your template applied.
  5. Click Save.