Administration Guide

Object Fields

The Object Fields category is where you can choose a placeholder for any object field. Fields of related objects are also available. For example, to insert the full name of the person who is the assignee of the parent Ticket, select the following:

  • Category: Object Fields
  • Item: Current Values
  • Subitem: Parent Ticket > Assignee > Full Name

This will insert the following placeholder:

%[DBF Parent_ID.Assignee_ID]%

Note that placeholders database object fields have the DBF prefix.

Some objects’ fields can contain links to related objects of different classes. For example, the Related Asset field of a Ticket can contain a link to a Computer, Inventory Item, or Software License. These objects, in turn, may have different sets of fields. For example, a Computer has the CPU Speed field, while a Software License does not. So if you need to insert the value of such a field as a placeholder, you have to specify the class of the Related CI in the Subitem list (As Computer, As Software Licence, etc.). For example, to insert the CPU Speed of a Computer related to a Ticket, select the following:

  • Category: Object Fields
  • Item: Current Values
  • Subitem: Related Asset > *AsComputer > CPU Speed

This will insert the following placeholder: %[DBF Related_CI_ID.*AsComputer.CPU_Speed]%