Administration Guide

Customizing Incoming E-mail Handling

Depending on the e-mail account type (IMAP4, Microsoft Exchange, or POP3), the Mail Connector treats e-mail messages differently after processing. You can customize how they are handled as follows:

  1. From the Sidebar, navigate to E-mail Processing > Mail Connector.

  2. In the Incoming E-mail Handling section, configure how to treat original e-mail messages after processing:

    • For IMAP4 or Microsoft Exchange:

      1. Under When an object is created or modified successfully:
        • To mark processed e-mail messages as read and keep them on the mail server, select the Mark the message as read check box. Otherwise the Mail Connector will attempt to process those messages again next time the job runs.
        • To mark processed e-mail messages as deleted, select the Mark the message as deleted check box. Otherwise they will remain in the mail folder in Read state.
      2. To purge deleted messages from the mailbox, select the Purge the deleted messages at the end of session check box. Otherwise, messages marked for deletion will remain in the mailbox’s Deleted folder.
    • For POP3:

      1. Under When an object is created or modified successfully, the only available option is Delete the message from the mailbox. This means that once e-mail messages have been successfully processed, they are permanently deleted from the inbox.
  3. Configure how to treat the content of the original e-mail messages. Choose preprocessing rules for your job. Alloy Navigator Express offers a set of pre-configured rules for the popular e-mail clients. Rules are applied in the order they are displayed.

  4. Click Save on the toolbar.